Thursday, 13 December 2018

Nail Gun Injuries

Nail guns are a carpenter’s best friend; but working with these high-powered tools can be dangerous. Nails that are discharged from the gun travel at high speed and can pierce through the body like a bullet, damaging tissue, bone, and internal organs along the way. Knowing how to properly operate this type of tool, and following safety protocols are key to preventing this type of injury.

Types of Nail Gun Injuries

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While a nail gun can reduce the amount of energy that construction workers employ while they pound nails into wood and other materials, a high-powered nail gun can cause a great deal of damage to those who use them. The most common types of nail gun accidents include:

Unexpected and unintended discharge resulting from a double fire on the nail gun trigger
Unintended release of the safety contact on the nail gun trigger
Nails that penetrate through wood and make human contact on the other side
Ricocheting nails that become airborne and bounce off solid objects
Incorrect aim of the nail gun resulting in a missed target
Ineffective positioning of the nail gun to the work surface
Failure to engage safety mechanisms
Preventing Nail Gun Accidents and Injuries
While accidents can happen to even the most safety-conscious person, most nail gun accidents can be prevented by following careful safety procedures.

Ensure that all workers are fully trained to use a nail gun before operating one.
Establish and enforce safety procedures for using nail guns.
Make sure workers have access to personal protective equipment, such as hard hats, steel toed work boots, high impact safety glasses, heavy work gloves, and hearing protection.
Use full sequential triggers to reduce the risk of unintended discharge.
Perform routine inspection and maintenance on all nail guns.
Workers should have the operating manuals for their nail guns available at all times so that they can safely troubleshoot or refresh their knowledge of the operational and safety procedures.

First Aid Safety
A nail gun injury may not initially appear to be serious because of a lack of bleeding. Nails can penetrate deep into skin tissue and even come into contact with a bone or internal organ. Bleeding may not be present on the surface, but internal damage can be serious.

Victims of nail gun accidents should seek medical attention. X-rays and CAT Scans may be necessary to truly assess the seriousness of an injury. The risk of infection is high due to the fact that glue, plastic, metal, and clothing material could be imbedded in the wound. Victims who remove the nail themselves may be unaware that there is material left behind, which can lead to secondary complications.

By Mr. Mark D. Chappell