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1. The cost of insurance
The cost of car insurance that must be paid each year can suck money out of your savings . Having your own car is fun , but when I have to pay for insurance each year is large enough , you may feel it is time to sell your car instead of having to spend money each year that may benefit you rarely receive.
2. Fuel prices
One thing that can not be separated from the car is the fuel . As government programs that want to reduce the level of congestion , fuel prices were raised, and limited subsidized fuel . And you often complain about the increase in fuel because it could no longer afford it . So, what is the reason it took longer to sell your car and switch to public transport ?
3. Loss
The level of traffic congestion in large cities could no longer be contained . Even so , the congestion has hit almost every street corner . Whether it's highways and toll roads . Boredom deal with congestion on a daily basis can hardly bearable . And you feel much more whole night sitting quietly in the car for hours instead of using public transportation . This situation further solidify you to sell the car as soon as possible .
4. Rarely used
At the moment you decide to use the public transportation to the office , your car is certainly more rarely used , probably only used the weekend . With the additional maintenance costs and insurance to be paid each year , it would be better to sell the car rather than just lying at home as a display .
5. Parking
You live in a big city , where finding a job is easier than finding a parking place . In fact you may take a few times around the parking lot just to park your vehicle . In addition , the cost of parking in office buildings and shopping centers are increasingly expensive . Sometimes can exceed the price of 1 liter of fuel .
6. The cost of care
As with humans who require routine maintenance . Car too. It requires a monthly service so that the engine condition remained stable while driving . Costs incurred for such care is not cheap . In addition , not all repair shops you can trust . Instead of taking care of your vehicle , so the workshop could actually fool you .
7. moving Lazy
In the past , while still a loyal user of public transport , you are tired of having to run to chase the bus , public transportation or TransJakarta . The reason this is making you buy the car . After having a car , you always feel tired and gain weight because the hours spent sitting in the car while munching snacks . Longing to catch a bus or a custom walk to the train station which can reduce calories . Well , then do not hesitate to sell your car .