Friday 14 November 2014

The Indonesian Health Card ( KIS )

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Jakarta - The Indonesian Health Card ( KIS ) is one of President Joko Widodo program has been planned since the campaign period . Today , the card was launched along with Indonesia Smart Card ( KIP ) and Card Card Saves Family Welfare and Family Welfare ( KSKS ) .

KIS serves as a health insurance card , which can be used to get free health care at first -level health facilities and advanced level , in accordance with the conditions of the recipient KIS illness . KIS is an extension of the National Health Insurance program launched by the previous government , which on January 1, 2014 .

What are the benefits of Healthy Indonesia cards and the difference in the health insurance program that has been in force? Here is an explanation of Health BPJS release received by AFP on Monday ( 03/11/2014 ) .

What is the difference between Healthy Indonesia Card ( KIS ) and BPJS Health ?

Healthy Indonesia card ( KIS ) is the name for the Social Security Health Insurance Program ( JKN ) for the Indonesian population , especially the poor and can not afford , and the fee was paid by the government . BPJS Legal Entity of Public Health was established to administer the Social Security Health Insurance program ( JKN ) . So , KIS is a temporary program BPJS Health is the body that is assigned to run the program .

What is the difference between Healthy Indonesia Card ( KIS ) and the Social Security Health Insurance ( JKN ) ?

In terms of quantity , target participants has increased as many as 1.7 million coming from with social welfare problems ( POM ) for the initial phase . In quality , the benefits of public health efforts also included in it in addition to the benefits of individual health efforts .

Are all the previous health insurance will be replaced ?

Askes , JAMKESNAS Card , Card - BPJS JKN Health , KJS , e - ID BPJS still valid and can be used to obtain Social Security Health Insurance ( JKN ) . For new participants who come from poor and can not afford , will gradually be published KIS .

Are those who have got a Healthy Indonesia Card ( KIS ) , can immediately obtain health insurance ?

Yes , participants who have got KIS can obtain health insurance benefits in accordance with procedures and regulations .

Do the same procedure with the KIS service health insurance program before?

The principle is the same , still using tiered referral system . For the first contact , participants receive medical care at health facilities of First Instance ( FKTP ) in which the concerned registered . If you need to get further treatment , it can be referred to the Advanced Level Health Facilities . In a medical emergency condition , participants can immediately obtain medical care at health facilities Advanced Level .

When launching today , how many people who got KIS ?

In launching this event , will be distributed to 2,775 KIS soul of the people poor and can not afford , and 50 people from the Disabled Issues Social Welfare ( POM ) . 2,775 souls are 600 heads of household and their family members .

Is it just 2,775 inhabitants of poor communities / incapacitated and 50 people from the POM are getting KIS ?

For the initial stage , they were getting KIS is getting Card Family Family Welfare ( KKS ) , Prosperous Family Savings Card ( e - money ) , and Smart Card Indonesia . As for those from POM , the number 50 is the initial phase of the launch , will now be distributed to POM for which data are to be provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs .