Thursday 13 November 2014

look Closely, The developments of Indonesia Insurance Through Allianz Insurance Journalist Competition

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Zakiyah ( 29 ) , together with six other family members living in poor areas in Kampung Melayu numbers . Zakiyah family is still mourning the death of their mother because of diabetes and run charge for treatment . Everyday , Zakiyah and his mother sell , enough to feed the whole family . Without his mother , Zakiyah must support her family alone .
Fortunately for Zakiyah , deceased mother appeared to have microinsurance . With the payment of a premium of USD 10,000 families benefit the insurance money policy of Rp 2 million . Once used for funeral expenses of his mother , the rest of the money to save for an emergency fund and be used as working capital .
" The rest of the money from my insurance for the use of capital , I can buy more clothes for sale . Previously, I only get 20 thousand a day , now I can get 50-70 thousand dollars per day . More than ever before . Now I can set aside for my school fees , " said Zakiyah . Furthermore , the insurance company pays the rest of the parents Zakiyah loan of 1 million dollars borrowed from MFIs as venture capital to sell donuts . Zakiyah and family can continue his life and smiled back .

We often hear stories when the breadwinner of low-income families died and his family in debt . They do not have savings or insurance for protection , may not even have heard before insurance . Insurance is far from the reach of those who need it most .
More recently , on the sidelines of a public lecture at the University of Wahid Hasyims ( Unwahas ) Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Hadad D Hadad said " the Financial Services Authority ( FSA ) will encourage the growth of micro-insurance in Indonesia remember very many micro-insurance benefits . "

Then how the potential development of microinsurance in Indonesia in the future ?

As an illustration , Allianz Life Indonesia started marketing microinsurance products for low-income families since August 2006. Currently microinsurance in collaboration with three partner banks , cooperative 5 and 61 Microfinance Institutions ( MFIs ) that spread from Sumatra , Java , Bali Sulawesi until Jayapura .

There are still many stories Zakiyah - Zakiyah that has not been heard , there are many stories and behind the micro-insurance benefits that have not been raised . Many more facts that insurance can be reviewed, so more are also parties to acquire knowledge about the challenges of raising public awareness of insurance in Indonesia . To that end , Allianz Allianz Indonesia held Journalist Competition , for print and online journalists , with the category of papers and photographs .
Competition Period March 26, 2013 until June 26, 2013 with the theme " The future potential of insurance : a closer look at the development of insurance penetration in Indonesia " . The winner of each category get a chance to go to Munich , Germany .

Not just merely the insurance business to be discussed, but also many other sides of insurance that can be peeled so that the mass media readers from all walks of life can have a positive understanding of the protection and benefits offered in various aspects of life insurance .

For information and further details visit and